
"Transnational Paradigms in Oral History Collections of US Immigrant and Ethnic Archives", University of Debrecen, Aug. 2024

 "AI-assisted Algorithmic Networked Memory", MLA, Philadelphia, January 2024

"Ethical Questions Raised by AI-assisted autobiographical story archives", MLA, Philadelphia, January 2024

"Ethical Questions Raised by AI-assisted Personal and Collective Storytelling", IABA Asia, Life Writing in Unprecedented Times, online, September 2023

"Collective Covid Diaries: Performing Unity", IABA International, University of Warsaw, Poland, July 2023

"Gyűjteményes sorstörténetek a 18. században és aggregált posztok a 21. században: mi a szerepük a demokráciában?", Veszprém University, Hungary, June 2023

"Covid Diaries: Performing Unity", Narrative Matters Conference, Tampere University, Finland, June 2023

"Ethical Questions Raised by AI-Assisted Personal and Collective Storytelling", Communication Ethics Conference, Duquesne University, online, June 2023.

"Collective Covid Diaries in Hungary and the US", AHEA, Quinnipiac University, April 2023.

“The Countess of Castiglione in the Mirror of Nathalie Léger”, University of Paris, Conference “Hybridity in Life Writing: How Text and Images Work Together to Tell a Life” Paris, July 2022.

“Digital Collections of Personal Stories: Building Collective Intimacy” MLA, Washington DC, January 2022.

“Nos Cabanes: Marielle Macé’s Alternative Places”, RMMLA, October 2021.

“Life Writing as World Literature”, co-presenter: Ioana Luca. ACLA, online, April 2021.

“The Cross-Border Memoirs of Jean Guerrero and Francisco Cantú” MLA, Seattle, January 2020.

“Curating the Life of a Self-Curator: The Comtesse de Castiglione in the Mirror of Nathalie Léger.” RMMLA, El Paso, TX, October 2019.

“Personal Authenticity and Historical Accuracy in Film Adaptations of Gulag Memoirs and Diaries” European Chapter of International Auto/Biography Association, Madrid, Spain, June 2019.

“Crux: A Cross-Border Memoir” AFEA, Nantes, France, May 2019.

“Cross Border Memoirs Negotiating the Limits” SAES, Paris, May 2019.

“Archiving Immigrants’ Personal Stories as Part of National History” Society for Utopian Studies, Berkeley, November 2018.

“Stories of Post-Trauma and National Sacrifice” MLA, New York, January 2018.

“Mapping Our Lives by Mapping Our Cities” Europe-International Auto/Biography Association, London, June 2017.

“Mapping Lives Across Borders” MLA, Philadelphia, January 2017.

“Jean-Luc Nancy and the Concept of Community and Sharing” RMMLA, Salt Lake City, October 2016.

“Community-Building and the Celebration of the Everyday in Recent Crowd-Sourced Diaries and Communal Lifestory Archives” IABA, International Conference, Cyprus, May 2016.

“Developing Language Skills and Cultural Awareness Through STEM Content” ACTFL, National Convention, San Diego, CA, Nov. 2016.

“The Conflicted Commitments of Archbishop Endre Hamvas Following the Communist Takeover in Hungary.” Hungarian American Educators’ Association. Cluj (Romania), July 2015.

“H. G. Wells and the Origins of the Quantified Self” Society for Utopian Studies Annual Conference, Montreal (Canada), October 2014.

“Maurice Blanchot and the “Unavowable Community” in First-Person Literature” RMMLA, Boise, ID. October 2014.

“The Utopia of Everyday: Two Life-Writing Projects from the 1930s” RMMLA, Vancouver, WA. October 2013.

“The Correspondence of Alexander Lenard” Hungarian American Educators’ Association. Rutgers University, New Jersey, May 2013.

“‘My Life in Germany before and after January 30, 1933’: Documenting German National Socialism Through a Collection of Witness Stories” Northeast Modern Language Association, Boston, MA. March 2013.

"The 2010 Global Video Contest ‘Life in a Day’ and Its Interpretations” Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Hawaii, January 2012.

“One Day a Year: Documenting One’s Own Life as a Form of Communal Utopia” Society for Utopian Studies Annual Conference, State College, PA, October 2011.

“Using Life Stories for the Purpose of Social and Political Activism” International Autobiography Association’s Conference, Brighton, England, June 2010.

“Sándor Lénárd: Self-Portrait in Three Languages” (Part 3). AHEA, Berkeley, CA May 2010.

“Sándor Lénárd: Self-Portrait in Three Languages” (Part 2). RMMLA, Reno, NV, October 2009.

“Alexander Lenard: Self-Portrait in Three Languages” (Part 1). Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Reno, NV, October 2008.

“The Autobiographer as a Symbol: Symbolic Views on Autobiographical Representativity” The Spirit of the Age” Conference, Kingston University, Brighton, England, July 4-6, 2007.

“Johann Gottfried Herder: The Paradox of Unity and Diversity” International Auto/Biography Association’s Conference, Mainz, Germany, July 27-31, 2006.

“The Autobiographer as a Representative Specimen: Gertrude Stein’s Everybody’s Autobiography” American Literature Association, Boston May 26-29, 2005.

“Self-Abstraction and National Identity: The Autobiographies of Nietzsche and Yeats” International Conference on the Literature of Region and Nation, Manchester, England, August 3-6, 2004.

“The Autobiography of a Typical Individual? H. G. Wells's Experiment in Autobiography.” INST Conference, Vienna, Austria, November 7-9, 2003.